Women Beyond Faith

Meet Annette - Part II

Leah Janet Season 2 Episode 10

Welcome back to Annette’s story – In this episode you’ll find Annette back in school,  maneuvering the extended family conversation and relationships – the living of the life together this side of faith.  We also touch on friendship evangelism and trusting your instincts.  Annette stresses the importance of finding community and setting boundaries. She and her husband, Justin along with their young son, have settled in to a space of loveliness.

Annette Beitzel is a 29 year old Accounting student. She married young -- at the age of 20-- like many fundy christians do. Today Annette and her hubby live in Michigan with their adorable, delightful nearly 2 year old son. 

Annette grew up in a fundamentalist conservative Mennonite community in rural Kansas. While there were always matters of theology and biblical teaching that didn't square, her faith didn't start to fall apart until she and her hubby moved away from the Mennonite community to Grand Rapids, MI for school. 

Today Annette finds herself a proud humanist atheist. She finds joy in raising her kid with gentleness and respect while modeling kindness and critical thinking. She is working hard to break the dysfunctional cycle of fundamentalist parenting!

If you're interested in touching base with Annette, you can find her on FB at Annette Beitzel. 







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